The most commonly used tools are


Password and work progress management


Notion is a productivity tool that combines a number of functions, including note-taking, task management, and database. In the recommended articles, we introduce how to organize projects, how to use templates, and best practices for team collaboration using Notion. There are plenty of tips for beginners and advanced users alike on how to use it effectively.


Evernote is a note-taking app that allows you to organize and manage your notes and ideas efficiently. The recommended articles provide useful information for beginners and experts alike, including how to use tags, how to create notebooks, and tips for managing information efficiently digitally. In addition, we also introduce ideas that can be used to manage projects using Evernote and integrate work and private life.

Organizing Ideas

Google Keep

Recently I have been using Google Keep as a memo. If something happens, I jot it down in Keep and organize it later. I jot down anything and everything anyway. It’s convenient because I can use it on my phone, tablet, or PC from anywhere.

Microsoft OneNote

I often use Microsoft’s OneNote to organize my notes in Googke Keep, and OneNote is perfect for organizing my notes in Google Keep into different categories because I can paste them in any format.

Specifically, I use a PC with dual displays, one of which shows Google Keep. I can check the contents and summarize them in OneNote. I think this is a good way to organize ideas.

In the past, I used to hand-draw notes on Post-its and paste them on a whiteboard, and then organize them as I move them around.


Another tool that should not be forgotten is XMind.
Mind maps are essential for structuring information. I always rely on Evetnote and OneNote, which allow me to take notes but do not allow me to make associations well.

However, it may be necessary to devise an operational method for associating similar items when they appear at the tip of the tree.

What kind of tools do you use?